Separate exhibitions in Galleri Pingvin, Oslo, Gallery Westwood, New York, Landskrona, Sweden in connection with an “Elling Reitan Invitational” international golf tournament, launching an important artbook based upon the biblical text “Song of Songs/ Salomos høysang” with original lithographs in cooperation with French artisans and foreword by Lars Elton, Norwegian Art Critic in H. M. Queen Sonja’s Church- and Cultural Center in Paris, Trondhjem Kunstforening, Galleri Kjeldaas, Oslo, Galleri Grønneset, Trøndelag, Galleri Varden, Moss and participation in a juried collective Chinese-European art show in Carrousel du Louvre, Paris as well as art fair/exhibition in Miami and Ferrara, Italy. Also represented with prints at Galleri D40 in Oslo.
Los Angeles Art Fair, Galleri Nygaten, Bergen in connection with Festspillene (Musical Festival) in May, print exhibition, Stavanger, Galleri Arnulf Øverland, Kristiansund, Kristiansand, New Dehli, Bangalore, Beijing, Gallery Westwood, New York and Miami Art Fair. Asia Contemporary Art Fair in Hong Kong and Shanghai Art Fair with Ashok Jain Gallery.
Also several solo shows at Ashok Jain Gallery, New York.
In 2009 he got an article in “The Affluent Page”, a reknown US art magazine, and a review in Art News, the largest US art magazine, issued in more than 120 countries..
He also participated in a juried Chinese-European art show in the Forbidden City in Beijing in 2009, he has had a separate exhibition in “The Nordic Heritage Museum” in Seattle in 2004 and he is permanently represented in Gallery Westwood , New York.
Participated 8 times at Art-Miami with Westwood Gallery, NY, and also at Art Chicago, Los Angeles Art Fair and San Fransisco Art Show.
Solo shows in the East: Time&Space Gallery, Bangalore, 2008 and 2011.
Redwood Museum, Beijing 2012. Galleri Fineart, Oslo.
2013: Exhibits in Norway, Galleri Pingvin, Oslo. Shanghai Art Fair with Ashok Jain Gallery, NY. Artmiami with Westwood Gallery.
2014: Edvard Munch Tribute Exhibition, Westwood Gallery, NY. Asia Contemporary Art Fair with Ashok Jain Gallery NY. Artmiami.
Galleri SG, Trondheim, Galleri Fenka, Levanger. Soli Brug, Gulden Kunstverk.
2015: Opera Festival Exhibit, Kristiansund.
Exhibitions at Galleri Pingvin, Oslo, Galleri S, Kleive, Galleri Amare, Stavanger,
Galleri Ski/Havstad.
Art Context Miami with Ashok Jain Gallery, NY.
The artist has had several theme-exhibitions; Peer Gynt and Ibsen’s Women in the Ibsen Year 2006 (Paris and Oslo), Apocalypse with the subtheme the nature bleeds, which is his warning about the climatic changes (Bogense, Denmark, Oslo, London, New York and Bangalore, India).
In addition, he often uses the Madonna-figure who is “the Mother of all women”. It is thewomen’s particular spiritual creatures which often preoccupies the artist. In many of his works, these are often his reflections and thoughts.
Another theme is man’s yarning in time and space. One can often see in his works persons regarding the horizon (symbolized by strong and vibrant lights) with their shadows in projection.